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In 2023, self reliance starts with our love of plants

In 2023, the underlying theme will be 'I believe in ME'.

In this crazy mixed up world, we may not be able to change alot of external things, BUT we can control what we do, what we think and what we buy.

Self reliance is the most important thing and we have learned that to make something  happen, WE must take control.    Now I have thought about this a lot and to me, I see how plants are fundamental to that notion.

We already proved that we can grow our own food during the pandemic, and according to industry garden trend reports, up to 3/4 of those of us who embraced gardening in 2020 , are sticking with it! Plants help us do that!

If we like a bouquet of flowers, show us how to  grow the plants to give us that bouquet. Plants help us do that!

And if we want a brighter world for tomorrow, we will treat it more kindly by sharing it with the birds, bees and make space for those plants that are 'tailor' made for where we live - YES - native plants are celebrating a renaissance and we have you to thank for that – the self reliant folks who will enact positive outcomes. And yes, plants can help us get there!.