Join us for Self Care Saturuday , Saturday March 29th. Sign up for informative sessions and visit our min Wellness Fair Pop Up market.

Container Gardening

At Sun Harvest, container gardening is officially our favourite type of gardening. It is so easy, versatile and allows us to be creative for each season. Our hanging gardens, patio pots and window boxes are ready and waiting for you to take home in the spring and enjoy the whole season. Let our container combinations be your source of inspiration as you decorate outdoors, and plan to visit Sun Harvest for the plants and tips you need to keep your pots looking fresh and full all year long!

Custom Growing Program

Do you have a unique container planting idea, but have a hard time finding the plants you want in May /June?  Do you have a special outdoor event early in the summer ( like a wedding) and want full, lush containers to feature prominently at your home? Or are you a business/restaurant owner who is looking to improve your curb appeal and ‘get noticed’ with some outstanding container plantings. Then our custom growing program is for YOU!

Our program really is about forward planning where we can walk you through specific plant requests, suited for your conditions, and your desired colour theme. We can then grow the plantings in your own pots or inserts that are sized appropriately for containers you keep at home, so that they are big, beautiful and ready to enjoy by the end of May. You can even drop off your pots for us to store for the winter (so that you don’t have to) and schedule when you wish to pick up them up. At that time, we will review with the client a care program to keep your container blooming and fresh all season long. This service is offered while respecting each client’s budget – often times, the cost is not much more than for a container chosen from our retail selection.

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