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Dahlia Tubers FOR PREBOOK!


Dahlias - the 'Queen' of the late summer garden!!  Tubers planted in May will grow to yield the most unforgettable cut flowers by August/ September.  

Dahlias must  be grown in full sun.  Each dahlia is packed 1 tuber / pkg.


  1. Dahlia planting date is when all threat of frost has passed. You should be fine by the middle of May in our area ( SE Ontario, Zone 5).
  2. Plant dahlias in well draining soil, no standing water anywhere, in a full sun location. That means minumum 6 hours of sunlight each day.
  3. Amend the soil with 2- 3 inches of good quality compost- we recommend Biosol Sea Compost
  4. dig a hole 4-6 inches deep and plant the dahlia tuber on its side with the 'eye' / sprout pointing up., then cover with soil.  Plant tubers 12 inches apart as this plant can get quite large.
  5. Water the freshly planted tuber deeply at planting time but then DO NOT WATER AGAIN UNTIL YOU SEE A GREEN SHOOT  COMING THROUGH THE GROUND. This could take up to 2 weeks or more - so be patient, Remember that the tuber has sufficient moisture stored in its flesh to ensure the germination of the tuber.
  6. Once the dahlia is growing , it appreciates consistent moisture, droughty periods can affect the growth of the plant NEGATIVELY.  Once the dahlia has reached 8-12 inches of growth (18 - 28 cm) , cut ( pinch) the centre stem down about 3-4 inches . This will encourage strong basal branching. More branches, means more blooms!
  7. You will need to stake your dahlias, and we recommend the corral method , whereby you line the rows with stakes and wrap 2 rows of   twine around the stake and along the dahlia rows for support.

Please note this is a pre-order product. Due to arrive in-store early April . We will notify you once your order is ready for collection.