WE ARE OPEN FOR THE SEASON!! Welcome back to your 'Happy Place' OPEN TILL 5:30 pm WEEKDAYS!

A Little Bird Told Me    by: Casey Gosleigh

It’s often referred to as “the winter blues”, less sunlight, more time spent inside, maybe not seeing as many people in person…but for me, it means birds and the fun and happy way that they inspire me in the cold winter months.

An early riser, you can usually count on me to be outside, under lots of layers, trekking through snow up to my knees to get all of the bird feeders full. So I don’t miss out on seeing cardinals,blue jays, chickadees, woodpeckers, nuthatches and more out of the window when I get back inside to have my coffee. That’s my favourite way to start the day!

I’ve been reading about how “birding” has made a comeback or has gained popularity during our long months of lockdown. Bird seed and feeders etc… sales have exploded in the past 2 years and more people than ever are waking up and opening their eyes/ears to all of the beautiful sights and sounds that birds give us not just in winter but all year long.

I am so happy to share my love of birds with you in my posts and how we, at Sun Harvest, can help you enjoy this wonderful extension of your beautiful yards, gardens, woodlands & cottages by just opening up your eyes and ears when you are spending time outside.

One of my favourite things about watching birds is how you can see the seasons change by how the birds sound and what birds are around your yard and feeders. One of the stars of winter birds is the Junco, their arrival and departure can tell you better than any calendar or weather forecast when winter has arrived and when it is officially over, that is why I have chosen it for my feature bird. Seeing them happily feeding on the ground under a ladder in my yard that I use for big flowing geraniums in the summer and as a bird table in the winter. If You only knew how much time I spend at the kitchen window looking out at this scene. (it’s how I spotted a rare female evening grosbeak in the fall of 2020)

Looking forward to sharing a love of our local birds with you through the seasons!