WE ARE OPEN FOR THE SEASON!! Welcome back to your 'Happy Place' OPEN TILL 5:30 pm WEEKDAYS!

Fresh Air and Sunshine!

This blog post is part of our dedication to serving our community, which includes 'caring' for our community. This includes our dedicated staff, and wonderful customers and guests.

I begin with a statement about Sun Harvest's current position in our dealing with the extraordinary situation we all find ourselves dealing with -COVID-19, the global pandemic.  And I will end on a note of welcome as we do intend to open for the season on Saturday March 21st, albeit with caution , because it is important that people have access to fresh, healthy food, it is our 'reason for being' after all. And we want you to have a space that is not crowded, but instead spacious so that you can 'get outside' and feel better being surrounded by the beauty and happy release that plants provide.


March 16, 2020

 Sun Harvest Greenhouses has been closely monitoring the rapidly changing situation surrounding COVID-19, as we prepare to open for our new season.  We refer to the guidance of the relevant health agencies as we do our part to keep our employees, customers and community safe in the foreseeable future.

Sun Harvest Greenhouses meets and/ or exceeds Canada GAP (Good Agricultural Practices)  protocols when it comes to food safety in the production and packaging of the hydroponic produce that we grow here.

We have intensified the frequency of  cleaning of all public areas in accordance with recommended safe workplace practices throughout our facilities and customers will note and are encouraged to use the hand sanitizers located at the retail counter.

We have decided to postpone all on-site workshops for the next two weeks in the hopes that the program can resume based on recommendations from our community health agencies.

We thank you for your patience and understanding  during this difficult time and we look forward to continue to provide an  exceptional customer experience and welcome you back for the season starting Saturday March 21st!

Greg and Allison Shannon

So with the tomato harvest of some or our varieties beginning, the most tender lettuce you will ever eat being picked daily, a greenhouse house full of 'oxygen- giving' tropical houseplants instock, and thousands of young plants being grown for your enjoyment in the coming weeks, if you are feeling well and want a  fresh air experience, come and visit us this weekend - we are open Saturday 9 am- 5 pm, Sunday 9 am - 4 pm.  It may be the best antidote for our 'conflicted hearts', these days.